Premier Technology is dedicated to providing a safe and healthful workplace. We are also committed to preserving our environment for future generations. Premier encourages and expects all employees to actively participate in safety. Premier has a safety committee, which is made up of volunteers from various departments within the organization, and is spearheaded by the Human Resource / Safety Department. Committee members serve a one year term and are actively involved in workplace safety issues and company safety culture.
Premier has been a member of ISNetwork since 2012 with an A rating and BROWZ since 2013. Premier is compliant with OSHA standards, and one third of Premier’s skilled craftsmen are MSHA Certified.
It is the policy of Premier Technology to conduct manufacturing and support operations in a responsible manner, free from recognized hazards, to respect the environment, health and safety of Premier’s: employees, customers, suppliers and community neighbors. We are committed to the sensible and responsible use of natural resources and the reduction of environmental burden.
Premier Technology Strives to:
- Educate employees in performing their jobs in a safe, healthy and environmentally responsible manner
- Ensure employees are trained and follow appropriate safe work practices
- Minimize the use of chemicals and raw materials
- Minimize waste streams and releases to air, land and water
- Work continuously to improve environmental, health and safety performance
Premier Technology highly values the health and safety of our employees, our subcontractor’s employees, and the public. It is Premier’s leadership and corporate belief that all projects, whether at Premier’s facility or at customer sites, can be performed injury free. It is the goal of Premier Technology to create an injury free work environment, where facilities and projects are free of recognized hazards and people, equipment, and the environment are not placed at unreasonable risk, injury, or damage.
Premier’s primary interest is to prevent the personal hardships that result from accidents. It is our core belief that disabilities, pain, and loss of earnings are not a necessary part of manufacturing and construction. We know that the effort to prevent accidents is a sound investment for all parties.
Environmental Safety
Premier Technology is dedicated to conservation of resources and protecting the environment. We have developed best practices in our programs and procedures to ensure environmental sustainability. We work with our employees, suppliers, owners and local community to minimize our environmental impact and comply with local, state and federal laws.
Our Waste Management Program teaches employees how to handle and maintain both our hazardous and non-hazardous environmental wastes, in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. We work with local, licensed waste disposal companies to make sure any environmental waste is disposed of properly.
In addition to waste disposal, Premier Technology has implemented a paper recycling program, replaced all light bulbs throughout the company to LED energy efficient bulbs, we recycle our scrap metals, and also installed a system to recycle and reuse our sand blasting media.
As a company, our goal is to leave an environmentally sound footstep.
Nuclear Safety
Premier Technology practices the behaviors associated with INPO 12-012 Traits of a Healthy Nuclear Safety Culture and INPO 14-005: Principles for Excellence in Nuclear Supplier Performance. Premier’s nuclear safety culture is well established and works in stride with our quality assurance program. All employees at Premier maintain awareness of nuclear safety due to the nature of the work performed at our facility. Premier is committed to developing and maintaining a company culture based on making safety our overriding priority.
We build safety into every project; ensuring to protect our coworkers, the public, and the environment. Our craftsman are vested with the authority and understand the expectation, when faced with unexpected or uncertain conditions: to stop. Senior leaders support and reinforce conservative decisions, and a safety-conscious work environment is maintained.
To enhance the sense of nuclear safety at Premier, a nuclear safety training program is provided to all employees. This system ensures Premier’s safety culture is achieved through out the company. Premier employees are encouraged to bring attention to anything that could affect the integrity of the products that Premier makes and the safety of those involved in those activities. Ensuring a work environment that empowers employees to raise any safety concerns they may have, without fear of: retaliation, intimidation, harassment, or discrimination. Keeping our employees, environment, and community safe is priority.
"If we cannot do it safely, we will not do it."