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November 15, 2021
Press Release

Premier Technology, Inc. Honored by Bechtel in 2021 Supply Chain Awards

Premier Technology, Inc. Blackfoot, Idaho is proud to announce that it has recently been selected by Bechtel for its 2021 Supply Chain Awards. Award recipients are recognized for their outstanding partnership and teamwork delivered to Bechtel and its customers around the world.

Bechtel is one of Premier’s longest standing partners, and as a company Premier is humbled by this
award. Over half of Premier’s employees contributed to the Uranium Processing Facility main casting
project in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, over the course of three years and is still currently active. The large
scale project carries a value of over 50 million dollars and has resulted in some of the finest and most
meticulous craftsmanship in Premier’s history.

      “The partnerships we have with our subcontractors and suppliers are
      fundamental in delivering projects to our customers,” said Tarek Amine,
      Bechtel’s Manager, Procurement & Contracts. “Collaboration with
      subcontractors and suppliers enhances our ability to align to our
      customers’ goals, achieve their objectives, and deliver a lasting positive
      impact in the communities where we live and work.”

“Being recognized by Bechtel as a Premier Supplier is a testament to all of our employees who work
hard every day to ensure the success of our customer’s projects. We are very proud of our employees
and humbled to receive this award from Bechtel,” Doug Wale, Premier Technology Chief Executive