Dry Storage Field Canisters
Orano TN (Formerly AREVA TN) approached Premier to manufacture 6, NUHOMS® 37PTH Dry Shielded Canister (DSC). These DSCs are used for PWR dry used fuel storage. The 37PTH is designed to store and transport 37 PWR fuel assemblies with or without control components.
The 37PTH canister consists of a stainless steel cylindrical shell, top and bottom carbon steel shield plugs, inner and outer stainless steel bottom cover plates, inner and outer stainless steel top cover plates and the internal stainless steel basket assembly. The space between the inside diameter of the DSC shell and the fuel compartment grid assembly is bridged by aluminum “transition rails,” which are connected to the fuel compartment structure.
All Canisters were built under Premier’s NQA1 program and to ASME Code, and under tight tolerances.
Premier has experience building multiple types of DSC components.
- Stainless steel shell and cover plates
- Coated carbon steel shield plugs
- Stainless steel basket assembly
- Borated aluminum, boral MMC Neutron Absorbers